Rick Chew, first YG President in 1981 |
The Loong Koong Youth Group (YG) is part of the Loong Kong Association and was originally formed in late November, 1981.
The original intention of the YG was to introduce the sons and daughters of the senior members of the Association
(Lau, Kwan, Chang, and Chew heritage, plus other variations of name spellings such as Lew, Quan, Cheung, and Chiu) to Loong
Kong as a way of perpetuating the Association through their children. The goal was to provide a way for the youth of
the elders to meet, participate in social activities, learn about their cultural history, help in community services, exchange
information with a newsletter, among other activities. "Loong Kong" Association refers to the local San Francisco
chapter of Lung Kong (LK), located at the Ming Yee building at its current address of 924 Grant Avenue in San Francisco's
Chinatown. "Loong Kong" in turn is part of a worldwide network of associations collectively known as "Lung Kong"
Association that also has an Oakland and Stockton chapter in the Bay Area, and also a Los Angeles location, eventually
extending nationwide to New York City, and worldwide to Hong Kong.
The very first President of the YG was Rick Chew, son of Herbert Chew, a former Officer of the parent LK Association
and longtime supporter of the YG. The very first newsletter was sent out in December, 1981, and the YG started out with
a BIG celebration by organizing a huge dance celebration as the first major activity. The dance was held at
one of the senior Officer's restaurant, Joe Jung's Restaurant on Market Street in San Francisco (the restuarant no longer
exists there), and a radio DJ from (now defunct) KSOL-FM radio station spun the tunes! The dance was very successful,
and everyone and their guests had a great feast and boogied till the late hours of the evening!
At that time in 1981, the YG met at the older location of LK at 17 Old Chinatown Lane, located in an alleyway in Chinatown,
where the YG had a small office. It wasn't until a couple years later that the main meetings and events
were moved to the current much bigger and expanded building at 924 Grant Avenue on the 4th floor.
In August, 1982, the YG played a major part in the 11th Quadrennial Convention of the Lung Kong Tien Yee Association
of the Americas for five days. Many Lung Kong members worldwide came to celebrate at the LK headquarters here at
924 Grant Avenue, as well as neighboring restaurants in Chinatown. There was a huge parade through Chinatown and the YG designed
and rode a "dragon style" float, and also marched and held the opening banner of the parade (click on the "Pictures"
section above).
Over the years, many new members have joined and helped put on diverse events. In addition, the YG continues to
play a major part in events supporting Mother's and Father's Day, LK scholarship awards, the yearly Chinese New Year's and
Spring Festivals celebrations, Easter egg hunts and candy for the kids, the YG Anniversary celebration held each year in November,
in addition to joining others in LK for Christmas and New Years Eve celebrations, and other holiday events. The
YG has arranged activities (some in cooperation with the LK Women's Auxiliary Group and the general Association) such as a
cultural trip to Angel Island to learn about Chinese immigrants' entry into the USA, local trips to Great America amusement
park, Halloween celebrations, trips to Disneyland in Southern California, tennis lessons at the courts at Lowell High School
in San Francisco, picnics, cultural historical presentations at the Association, a computer workshop (virtually
when personal comptuers were first introduced), support for the Miss Asian America pageant, and when you can't
think of any other activities, just get a group together and go to the movies and have a snack!
(Click on the VINTAGE PICTURES above for photos of some of the earliest members of the YG)
The YG looking its best for the 1982 LK Convention. Pres. Rick Chew, first row, center. |
CLICK BELOW to visit our parent organization's
website, the Pan American Lung Kong Tien Yee Association (with info. on our worldwide chapters, history, philosophy, activities,
etc.) (website created by James Jung): http://www.palungkong.org