San Francisco
Loong Kong Youth Group
What is the Loong Kong Youth Group?
The Loong Kong Youth Group (LKYG) is part of the
Loong Kong Tin Yee Association, located at 924
Grant Avenue, 4
th floor, San Francisco,
CA 94108.
The Youth Group consists mainly of a young mix of
members ranging from youngsters to college students
and beyond with the surnames of Lew, Quan, Jung,
and Chew (including variations of the spellings of the
surnames, such as Liu, Kwan, Cheung, Chiu, etc).
The Youth Group was originally formed in 1981 to
cater to the needs and activities of the offspring of the
elders of the Association and to perpetuate their
heritage through successive generations of new
youthful members.
What is the LKYG Mentorship Program?
The LKYG Mentorship Program is designed to
connect youth group members (those entering
high school or college) with mentors (youth
group members who are college graduates and
professionals) in a one year mentoring
relationship. The LKYG Mentorship Program
assists the youth group member in successfully
matriculating through high school and/or
Mentees: High school students and college
Mentors: College undergraduates, graduates,
and professionals.
The LKYG Mentorship Program provides a
positive one-on-one mentoring
relationship between mentees and
mentors in areas that focus on:
1. Personal, cultural, academic and daily life
2. Career planning, networking, advising and
The LKYG Mentorship Programs objectives
1. To recruit and effectively match youth group
members (participants) with LKYG mentors
in a mentoring relationship.
2. To establish positive individual mentoring
relationships between mentor and mentees,
so that program participants can recall their
experience as significant to their experiences
in college.
3. To prepare youth group members for a
successful graduation and life beyond
4. To develop activities and events that assist
in facilitating the relationship among all
participants while exploring topics of
interests and issues of concern in a safe and
comfortable environment.
5. To increase participants knowledge of high
school/graduate/professional schools as well
as professional life and career settings.
What is a mentor?
The word "Mentor" comes from the Greek
language and has it roots in the terms "steadfast"
and "enduring." The term originates from
Homers epic
The Odyssey, in which Ulysses is
getting ready to fight the Trojan War and
realizes that he must leave behind his heir,
Telemachus. Ulysses recognizes that he would
not be around to coach and teach Telemachus
and that he must get someone to complete
Telemachus education. He chooses his trusted
friend named Mentor to be the tutor because
Mentor is both wise and sensitive. The term
mentor has become synonymous in Western
thought with one who is a teacher, a guide, and a
friend, typically a wise and experienced person
helping a younger one with the transition to
Mentors are helpers. They do not, however,
guarantee success. Mentors play contradictory
roles - at times offering friendship and support,
while at other times posing tough challenges and
sharing critical insights. To be productive, this
delicate balance requires a reciprocal, trusting
relationship. This relationship takes time to
achieve and is rare, but when it occurs, it is the
third most powerful personal relationship
influencing human behavior (after family and
love relationships). The relationship between the
protégé and mentor changes over time and, in
fact, the roles of mentor and protégé may reverse
at times over the course of their involvement.
What is "Mentoring?"
"Mentoring" (
Cornell University, Cornell
Alumni Association. 1997)
refers to a
recognized set of behaviors that people practice
to achieve success through a relationship with a
more experienced facilitator, coach, or guide. It
is based on the well documented phenomenon
that people who are just starting out need three
things to succeed: a dream (goal, vision, plan),
determination (ambition, perseverance, ability),
and someone who believes in them and can help
them shape their dream into reality.
"The two types of mentoring are natural
mentoring and planned mentoring. Natural
mentoring occurs through friendship,
collegiality, teaching, coaching, and counseling.
In contrast, planned mentoring occurs through
structured programs in which mentors and
participants are selected and matched through
formal processes"
What does a mentor do?
Mentors provide guidance on a variety of issues,
such as personal development, academic
planning and preparation, graduate school
options and opportunities, and career choices.
By sharing personal experiences with the
mentees they serve, experiences that contributed
to their own successful graduation from college,
mentors will directly contribute to a mentees
personal and professional development, as well
as offer a source of support.
Program Flexibility
The LKYG Mentorship Program is designed to
cater to the needs of both its mentors and
mentees. Mentors have the option of choosing to
contribute as much time as they desire to the
mentee and the program. Mentors also do not
need to live in the Bay area to participate.
Mentees are allowed to select their own mentor.
They also communicate with their mentor as
much or as little as they wish.
One-On-One Mentoring
The LKYG Mentorship Program is founded on
the principle that the best determinants of a
positive mentor-mentee relationship are, in fact,
the mentor and mentee involved; hence, the
most beneficial and satisfying aspect of the
program comes from the one-on-one relationship
that the mentor and mentee develop for
themselves. Communication between the mentor
and mentee can be in the form of direct mail,
email, phone calls, meetings, or LKYG events
(Annual Picnic, Ice Cream Socials, Movie
Nights, Cultural Field Trips, etc). The LKYG
Mentorship Program tries to facilitate
communication and contact by planning
activities for mentors and mentees to participate
in together.
Matching Process
The matching process is designed so that
mentees select their own mentors based on the
profiles that potential mentors have completed.
This promotes the best possible experience
within the Mentorship Program. Mentees are
the best judges of their preferences and needs.
In addition, mentees can feel more responsible
for their relationship with their mentor and more
involved with the program.
The LKYG Mentors complete a Mentor
Registration/Biography, which asks for
information intended to familiarize mentees with
the academic, career, and personal interests of
that mentor. In addition, mentors indicate their
reasons for becoming a mentor, and the type of
services they are able to provide. Mentees
review those biographies (through profiles on
the LKYG website or from the mentor binders
available at LKYG mentorship events) and
select three possible choices for their mentor,
ranking them in order of preference. The LKYG
Mentorship Program staff confirms their match,
and sends a copy of the Mentor Registration/
Biography form to the mentee. The mentor will
also receive a copy of the mentee profile that
was completed.
How do I become a mentee?
Becoming a mentee is very easy. Please fill out
the LKYG Mentee Application and submit it
to President Bovey Zhang. You can also request
the application via email at -- fill it out and
submit it through email. For more information, contact President
Bovey Zhang.