Father's Day celebration 2001, Pres. Clifton Chew, center. |
Jenny & Joyce Kwan as lead singers of ABBA at LK Spring Banquet, 2002 |
Jenny & Joyce Kwan "before" makeup for ABBA. |
Juli Jung as Madonna (mid) flanked by Jenny (l) & Joyce (r) Kwan as ABBA, Spring banquet, 2002 |
Having a snack at Disneyland, Dec. 2001 |
Youth Group with Loong Kong performers at Spring Banquet, 2002 |
Youth Group performers at Spring Banquet, 2002 |
Youth Group performers at Spring Banquet, 2002 |
Youth Group performers with Miss Chinatown (mid, back) at Spring Banquet, 2002 |
Juli Jung and Dave Lau at Spring Banquet, 2002 |
CLICK BELOW to visit our parent organization's
website, the Pan American Lung Kong Tien Yee Association (with info. on our worldwide chapters, history, philosophy, activities,
etc.) (website created by James Jung): http://www.palungkong.org